Elections for positions on the Aesculapian Society Council and Class Council are held annually in September/October. A presentation will be given prior to nominations and elections for interested candidates to learn more about each council and position.
Aesculapian Society
The Aesculapian Society (AS) was founded in 1872 by Queen’s medical students to promote the general interests of the School of Medicine and its students. Today, it serves as the medical school’s student government, and its membership comprises all students in the School of Medicine, as well as a small number of honorary members elected by Council.
Ask any AS Council member about what they do and how you can get involved. All members of the AS are welcome to attend meetings and to give input.
Class Council
Under the umbrella of the Aesculapian Society, each medical year elects a Class Council to look after the needs of the individual classes. Your class council will play an integral role in facilitating communication between the administration and students, organizing activities and keeping everything running smoothly. Regardless of your background in student politics, you can get involved, and most positions do not require an unreasonable time commitment.
The Kingston Class of 2027 President, Tyler Williamson (twilliamson@qmed.ca) or Vice-President, Amireza Goli (amireza@qmed.ca) can answer any questions you may have about class council. Questions about the Lakeridge class council can be answered by the Lakeridge Class of 2027 President, Liam Rautu (lrautu@qmed.ca) or Vice-President, Chris Ho (cho@qmed.ca).
Society of Graduate and Professional Students at Queen's University (SGPS)
As an undergraduate medical student the SGPS is your student society at Queen's. Your elected executive team and the staff of the SGPS work for you.
The SGPS represents and advocates for you on all levels of University administration and lobbies the federal, provincial, and municipal governments on issues crucial to the well-being and success of graduate and professional students at Queen's.
The executive, elected representatives, and volunteer committee members represent graduate and professional interests and participate in the governance of the University Senate, the Board of Trustees, the University Council, and over 40 University Committees.
In response to the needs and concerns of our members, they also run several services including your Health and Dental Plan, a Financial Assistance program, the Student Advisors program, and more.