Housing & Accomodations


Hi 2029s! In previous years, due to the pandemic, many of us had to find housing without visiting Kingston. For some us this was a challenge as not every landlord offers virtual tours, and it’s not easy to judge a place from a few pictures. This might be the case for many of you this year if you live out of province, or if you are avoiding travels due to COVID restrictions or to reduce your exposures. We know that this can be a challenge and we want to help as much as we can. We are in the process of putting together a group of 2028s who will be living in Kingston for the summer that can tour places for you and take videos/video call you. We will be releasing a form with instructions on how to contact these students in the upcoming weeks. 

We can’t wait to have you in Kingston! 

Along with figuring out how you’re going to fund your medical education, finding a place in Kingston to call home is another big (but exciting!) item on your to-do list. This is especially true if you don’t know anyone in Kingston, or are attempting to arrange housing from across the country. Your best bet is to start looking early. 

We have created a Facebook housing group for all of Queen's Medicine (please only join once you have accepted your offer of admission). People will post available houses, furniture, and roommate searches! It's also a great place to meet your classmates who may be looking for a place to live