Movie Theatres
Cineplex Odeon Gardiners Road · 626 Gardiners Road
This is a typical multiplex cinema with 12 large screens. It shows all the big blockbuster movies and the occasional smaller film. Admission is $10.50, but cheaper on Tuesdays. You will need to drive, cab, or bus to this cinema.
Landmark Cinemas · 120 Dalton Avenue
Another set of theatres that you will need to drive, cab or bus to get to, Empire Theatres are the newest in town. With 10 auditoriums and all the bells & whistles like IMAX, many find it worth the trip.
The Screening Room · 120 Princess Street
The Screening Room is a makeshift, rickety affair on the second floor of some random building with more than a few traits reminiscent of a high school drama room. However, what it lacks in suaveness and luxury it more than makes up for with the quality of the diverse films. Admission is $8 with Tuesdays going for $5.25.
Kingston Family Fun World · 1533 McAdoos Lane
We have placed it under the theatres section because it has a drive-in theatre, but Kingston Family Fun World could actually go in a category of it's own. In addition to the drive-in, it has go-karts, batting cages, mini-putt and funnel cake! If you are feeling like you want to release your inner child, it's worth the drive!
Video Rentals
Classic Video · 40 Clarence Street
This is a tiny store that somehow seems to hold more titles than all of the other video places put together. If a TV show has ever been put on DVD, you can find it here. The new releases are off the shelves within weeks, and they have the best deal in town: 3 movies, 8 days, 5 bucks. There’s an extensive collection of older movies, and the staff knows their stuff.
Night Owl Video · 377 Princess Street
This is the other independently owned video store in the downtown area. They have a convenient return box in the JDUC, but their selection is pretty small, their movies are due at seven, and a late fee is pretty much a full price rental.
Live Entertainment
In addition to Queen’s-based theatre entertainment, Kingston is home to a number of theatre companies, as well as symphony orchestra. Visit for more information, or have a look at Kingston Symphony, or what’s playing at Domino Theatre, The Wellington Street Theatre, or the newly renovated Grand Theatre.