There are so many different opportunities to get involved in sports here! If you’re a sports-lover, look no further than Queen’s Med.
Intramurals are a fun way to stay fit while getting to know your classmates. Every semester we have signups to form our own School of Medicine teams! We typically have teams in soccer, volleyball, hockey, basketball, ultimate, inner tube water polo, with different levels of competition for each sport. Schedules are online, making it easy to check when your team is playing and where you stand in the league. Medicine has had some amazing teams in the past, and everyone has a great time, whether playing or cheering from the sidelines. There are sign ups in September and December
This year, our first vs second year soccer intramural teams also faced off in an inaugural battle during what is called the Pre-Clerk Cup, which has ongoing games throughout the academic year.
Photograph of 2027 and 2028 intramural soccer teams after Pre-Clerk Cup game.
Court Bookings
Court space for squash, basketball, and volleyball is available at the Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC). There is usually a pick-up basketball game, squash, or a variety of other events going on that might pique your interest.
We have a QMed Squash group chat that has even recruited our professors to come out (shoutout Vic)!
Left: Photograph of Class of 2028 students at Squash court; Right: Photograph of Class of 2028 student playing squash with a professor.
MedGames and MedLaw Games
If you’re looking to exact revenge on the schools that rejected you—or their students, at least—there is always MedGames. Every January, medical schools across Canada send their best “athletes” to a university in Quebec to compete in a number of sports. It’s a great chance to compete, sight-see, and socialize. Many sports and more are included, such as dance, quiz bowl, poker, and more.
In addition, every year there’s a MedLaw games where Queen’s Medicine and Law enter various teams across a variety of sports to face-off and determine the superior faculty. You won’t want to miss it!
Yoga and Climbing
If you enjoy yoga, take advantage of a QMed-exclusive discounted weekly yoga session at Morro Yoga! Unwind and relax with your classmates on Sunday nights before the week ahead.
More into climbing? Join the QClimb group for regular sessions at The Boiler Room—a great way to decompress and challenge yourself!
Photograph of Class of 2028 at rock climbing gym.
Spectator Sports
For those who’d rather watch than play, Queen’s has a number of varsity sports, including football, basketball, volleyball, and hockey. Games are usually played from Friday to Sunday, and can be very entertaining. Visit for more information and schedules. You can even try out for these teams if you’ve got some talent.
Kingston also has a junior hockey team, the Kingston Frontenacs, an OHL team. Tickets are discounted for students and you get to watch some of the future NHL stars play at the K-Rock Centre. For more information, visit
Finally, we have our very own QMed Fights Cancer charity game where doctors and students face off to raise money for cancer research- a highlight of every year! You can read more about it here:
Photograph of 2024 QMed Fights Cancer game, with Doctors and Students teams posing after the game completed.
Parks and Trails
If you enjoy running, biking, or hiking, there are some great routes and trails that you can take around Kingston and on Wolfe Island. The ferry to Wolfe Island is free and runs about every hour. It is a quiet community, and is almost entirely covered by farms, so you’ll be sure to see some horses, sheep, and even buffalo. There are also some nice beaches, including the Big Sandy Bay conservation area. You can rent bikes on the island, and most of the streets are paved. For bike routes, check out The only way back to Kingston is the ferry, so make sure you check the schedule! If you’re looking for a day trip, the conservation lands in Cataraqui Region are stunning, and you can find routes for cross-country skiing in the winter and easy hiking in the spring.
We have our very own QMed Outdoors group that frequently goes on hikes of all levels- from local 1-2 hour hikes to 11 hour hikes in the freezing cold! You get to pick what you’d like to attend.
Photograph of Class of 2028 on a hiking trail in fall 2024.
Pavement Pounding and Cycling
Some great routes for running include down by Ontario Street, along the waterfront, and going up east across the LaSalle Causeway to Kingston Road. Another route includes going west along King Street, and going north along Country Club Drive or Portsmouth Avenue. It’s always more fun to bring a friend along, especially if you’re going for the first time. We have a QMed running group that meets weekly for 5km runs. Various pace groups are offered!
Photograph of 2024-25 QMed run club.
For the bikers out there, favourite routes include going north on Ontario Street toward Queen Street and continuing on Highway 2, where you can loop off to Abbey Dawn, Kingston Mills, or Middle Road. These routes are incredibly beautiful, and you might even see some deer while riding through the forests and farmland. To explore the north countryside, try going along Perth Road to Rutledge Road, and coming south along Sydenham Road. For a really good workout, go east to Harrowsmith, where you’ll pass many small towns in the Frontenac area.