Medical Student Initiatives and Groups

Queen’s medical students enjoy a rich extra-curricular education, with projects that supplement the material taught in the core curriculum and bring their knowledge and expertise to the community. There are student-run electives, interest groups, and educational initiatives to suit any interest. For more information on these initiatives, contact the Aesculapian Society Student Initiatives Liaison.

Medical Variety Night 

Medical Variety Night is an annual variety show that takes place each year to raise money for local charities. A long-standing Queen's tradition and a highlight of the school year, students run every aspect of the show: writing, directing, choreographing, performing, advertising, producing, etc. Be ready to duel it out for the best class performance! 

Student-Run Electives/Interest Groups 

Many of our students participate in lunchtime or evening electives organized by upper-year medical students. The typical format is an informal presentation by a physician or other health professional on a specific topic, with lots of opportunity for questions and active student participation. Students find this to be a great way to expand on an area of interest touched on in the core curriculum. Participation is also often noted on your Dean’s Letter. See the Student Interest Groups link on the following website for more information. There will be a presentation by all the Interest Groups in the beginning of the school year!

Queen's Medicine Review 

Queen’s Medical Review is a student-run journal established by the Class of 2011. As a forum for our medical school community, the QMR publishes news within the School of Medicine and the Aesculapian Society, features on student research and electives, debates on relevant healthcare issues, discussions on medicine and culture, and artwork.

The Hippochromatic Notes

Interested in singing? Join The Hippochromatic Notes. The Hippochromatic Notes, is our very own acapella group, started by the Class of 2015. We sing a diverse repertoire of songs from different eras. Stay tuned for more information!

Queen's Health Interprofessionals

QHIP strives to create an interprofessional environment at Queen’s University that enhances the ability of students to participate in collaborative patient centred care. This partnership of students is achieved through a delicate balance of interprofessional work. This vision helps strengthen practice based knowledge, communication, discovery and excellence. QHIP facilitates the development of role models with skills to enhance each of the 3 schools of medicine, nursing, and rehabilitation therapy, within the Faculty of Health Sciences.

OSLER (Outrach, Service Learning, Education and Research)

OSLER is a student-led, community-based, interprofessional health promotion initiative in Kingston. It brings health science and health service students from Queen’s and St. Lawrence College together and into the community. Want to get involved with cooking classes, smoking cessation counselling, or childcare (to name a few)? If so, this is the place for you!