Case 3

Arun, a 36-year old graphic designer presents with a four-month history of right groin pain. He does not recall any injury. The pain is gradually increasing and he now has to use crutches to walk long distances. He has an obvious Trendelenburg limp when he walks into your office. This patient's past medical history is significant for asthma and eczema. He has been treated with a combination of oral inhalers (salbutamol and corticosteroids) and oral prednisone (once or twice a year when he has flare-ups) for the past 20 years.



Image credit: unknown

  1. What anatomic structure(s) may be the source of this patient's pain?
  2. What features of the physical exam will help you make a diagnosis?
  3. What imaging would be helpful and what would you expect to see?



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