Test your knowledge of anatomy

The purpose of this quiz is to allow you to assess your knowledge of hip and knee anatomy prior to the scheduled case-base session. The score will not contribute to your class grade however completion is mandatory. Please print out a blank copy of this quiz from the MedTech page associated with this session and submit the completed quiz at the beginning of the related classroom session.


 Question 1

Value: 1
Name the anatomic structure that functions to protect the articular surface of the knee from damage and premature wear.

 Question 2

Value: 1
In a normal knee, which of the following structures is the primary stabilizer that prevents anterior translation and rotation of the tibia relative to the femur?
    a.Anterior cruciate ligament
    b.Posterior cruciate ligament
    c.Patellar tendon
    d.Hamstring tendons
    e.Medial collateral ligament

 Question 3

Value: 1
Name the major artery and nerve that lie posterior to the knee joint in the popliteal fossa (list them alphabetically).

 Question 4

Value: 1
Which of the following structures functions to stabilize the knee against valgus stress?
    a.Anterior cruciate ligament
    b.Posterior cruciate ligament
    c.Medial collateral ligament
    d.Lateral collateral ligament

 Question 5

Value: 1
Only the outer 1/3 of the meniscus is supplied by blood vessels.

 Question 6

Value: 1
Name the four components of the quadriceps muscle (alphabetical order, separate with a comma):

 Question 7

Value: 1
Most of the blood supply for the femoral head enters via the ligamentum teres.

 Question 8

Value: 1
What soft tissue structure serves to deepen the acetabulum?

 Question 9

Value: 1
Which of the following injuries is most likely to become complicated by avascular necrosis (AVN or osteonecrosis)?
    a.Acetabular fracture
    b.Pubic ramus fracture
    c.Hip dislocation
    d.Femoral neck fracture
    e.Intertrochanteric (femoral) fracture

    [mark all correct answers]

 Question 10

Value: 1
Name one other cause of AVN of the femoral head. (Click on this link for a hint)


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