Platelet concentrate

  • Platelets are indicated in a variety of clinical scenarios.
  • Generally, in the setting of bleeding secondary to thrombocytopenia, platelets should be transfused (this is unlikely in the patient with a platelet count >50).
  • In addition, platelets should be transfused prophylactically in the patient whose platelet count is <10 and in whom the thrombocytopenia is expected to last a short period of time.
  • Each unit of platelets contains a small volume of RBCs. As such, ABO/Rh compatible platelets are preferred; however, non ABO/Rh compatible platelets can be transfused if necessary.
  • Note that Rh negative women of childbearing age should be given Rh immunoglobulin if receiving an Rh positive platelet transfusion to prevent hemolytic disease of the newborn in future pregnancies.
Platelet concentrate; ©qscalpel (photo by Adam Szulewski)