
Median nerve
  • Enters the palm deep to the flexor retinaculum via the carpal tunnel
  • Motor (recurrent) branch: supplies the three thenar muscles plus the lateral two lumbricals
  • Cutaneous (palmar digital) branches: supplies the thumb and lateral two and a half fingers and distal half of the dorsal aspect of the same fingers
Image Source: Anatomy and Cell Biology, Queen's Univeristy

Ulnar nerve
  • Enters the palm superficial to flexor retinaculum via Guyan’s canal
  • Motor (deep) branch: supplies the hypothenar muscles, interossei, lumbricals 3 & 4, adductor pollicis
  • Cutaneous (superficial) branch: supplies the palmar and dorsal aspects of the medial one and a half fingers as well as the medial palm

Radial nerve
  • Cutaneous (superficial) branch: supplies the lateral two thirds of the dorsal surface of the hand and the dorsal surface of the thumb as well as the proximal lateral two and a half fingers

Cutaneous nerve supply of the hand


Left: volar surface. Right: dorsal surface.
Image Source: Victoria Squissato

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