Models of AT Assessment

A number of approaches to the AT assessment process have been laid out by different experts in the field. Although they all include the key stages seen in general OT assessment, they offer some features unique to AT. We will look at just a couple.

Service Delivery Model (Cook & Polgar, 2012)

This 6 stage model was described by the developers of the HAAT model, one of whom (Hussey) is an OT, the other a technology specialist:

1. Referral & Intake

  • review case information, make initial contact
  • arrange for evaluation

2. Initial Evaluation

  • identify client needs, goals & concerns (how receptive to technology are they? how much experience do they have with different levels of technology?)
  • evaluate motor, sensory, perceptual and emotional functioning
  • match available device dimensions to user and activities

3. Recommendations & Report

  • prepare report with recommendations to referral source and funding sources
  • client may be empowered through provision of a summary of recommendations - allows for self advocacy, tracking, follow-up, arranging purchase or construction of elements of the plan, etc.

4. Implementation

  • ordering, set-up, delivery, fitting and training

5. Follow-Up

  • looks at effectiveness of the total system, including goal achievement and client satisfaction

6. Follow-Along

  • track effectiveness over time as needs and abilities change


iDevice icon Reflection
What do you see as the main strengths of this model? What aspects mirror the CPPF?

Another 10-stage model that was developed by technology experts in California has similar steps, but includes more detail around the technology itself.

Fundamental Assessment Process (FAP) (CSUN, 1998)

1. Intake/referral

2. Needs identification: determined through a collaborative team approach

3. Identification of desired outcomes

  • working with client and other stakeholders to determine feasible goals, specify key features of desired outcomes

4. Collaboration

  • work as a team throughout the process

5. Skills assessment

  • assessment of client skills by relevant team members
  • identify skills and match to device characteristics

6. Device trials

7. Revisit desired outcomes

8. Procurement of device

  • identify funding possibilities, secure buy-in by key players
  • consider full range of accessories and specifications to meet client needs

9. Technology Implementation

  • includes set up, fitting and training

10. Follow-up/Follow-along

  • ongoing monitoring of goal achievement, need for modifications


iDevice icon Reflection
What additional features do you see in this model as compared with the Service Delivery Model?