The purpose of this quiz is to allow you to assess your knowledge of shoulder and elbow anatomy prior to the scheduled case-base session. The score will not contribute to your class grade however completion is mandatory. Please print out a blank copy of this quiz by clicking here (PDF - MEdTech Username and password required) and submit the completed quiz at the beginning of the related classroom session. (Alternatively, you can print the completed file from your browser once completed by clicking on the quiz, selecting print from the File menu and choosing "print only the selected frame".)


 Question 1

Value: 1
How many joints contribute to the movement of the shoulder girdle?

 Question 2

Value: 1
Name the muscles of the rotator cuff in alphabetical order (separate each muscle name with a comma).


 Question 3

Value: 1
Name the soft tissue structure that improves the stability of the glenohumeral joint.

 Question 4

Value: 1
Name the ligaments primarily responsible for the stability of the acromioclavicular joint.

 Question 5

Value: 1
Name the motor nerve that innervates the deltoid muscle.

 Question 6

Value: 1
Which of the following surface anatomical locations corresponds to the sensory innervation of the nerve named in the previous question?
    a.Anterior shoulder
    b.Posterior shoulder
    c.Lateral shoulder
    d.Lateral chest wall
    e.This nerve has no sensory fibers

 Question 7

Value: 1
Name the bony structure that should always line up with the radial head on an x-ray of the elbow.

 Question 8

Value: 1
Name two "fossas" that allows full flexion and extension of the elbow (list them alphabetically).

 Question 9

Value: 1
Which of the following structures stabilizes the proximal radius while allowing rotation?
    a.Radial collateral ligament
    b.Ulnar collateral ligament
    c.Annular ligament
    d.Triceps tendon
    e.Biceps tendon

 Question 10

Value: 1
The wrist flexor muscles originate from the lateral epicondyle.





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