PT 861 - Introduction to paediatric physiotherapy and typical development
Early learning contexts
- The fundamental goal of paediatric physiotherapy is to promote the engagement and participation of children and their families in all aspects of life.
- Children are not small adults. From birth through late adolescence, they are exploring their environment and their interests, gradually mastering the skills that they will need to lead meaningful lives. This learning is interactive in nature, being gradually constructed as the child voluntary acts upon his or her environment and then uses the outcome to form meaningful associations.

- Can you describe a probable set of actions and outcomes that a child could use to learn how to throw a ball against a wall and catch it?

- Can you then explain how a young child would use a similar learning process to learn to 'separate' from his or her mother?
- For young children, this learning is largely occurring within the contexts of play, the occupation of young children, and the family.