Mutual Trust & Respect

7. “Mutual trust and respect are common to and bind all other elements together.” Jones & Way

Being clear about “who does what” supports trust and respect as do time, commitment, patience and previous positive team experience.



Feeling comfortable depending on each other, believing that everyone is competent and reliable and will act within their own scope of practice.


Knowing and valuing the unique and complementary contributions that each profession and individual team member has to offer.

"Without trust and respect cooperation cannot exist, assertiveness becomes threatening, responsibility is avoided, communication is hampered, autonomy is suppressed and cooperation is haphazard.” (Norsen,1995)


Think about a situation involving one or more members of your team in which trust and respect were enhanced.

  • How did this affect the other essential elements of collaborative practice?
  • How did this increased level of trust affect your TEAM? Relationships and patient care?
  • How might you be able to replicate this situation in future?

Think about a situation involving one or more members of your team in which trust and respect were eroded.

  • How did this affect the other essential elements of collaborative practice?
  • How did this decreased level of trust affect your TEAM? Relationships and patient care?
  • How might you avoid this situation in future?