Urinary Catheterization
- catheterization
tray consists of: disposable sterile gloves, drapes, one fenestrated,
lubricant, cotton balls with container, forceps (2), prefilled 10cc syringe
with sterile water to inflated the balloon, sterile specimen container for
urine sample collection
- sterile
catheter, latex (rubber) or silicone: 2 way or 3 way (where possible, select
the non-latex catheter)
- chlorhexidine
2% aqueous solution
- Sterile
- catheter-secure
device or adhesive tape
- urinary
drainage bag
- medicated lubricant (Urojet)

Note: Select the smallest
size catheter that is able to provide adequate urine drainage. In general:
- Size 12-14
Fr for women draining clear urine
- Size 14-16
Fr for men draining clear urine
- Size 16-18
Fr for patients with debris or mucous in their urine
- Sizes in
excess of 18 Fr for patients with hematuria, unless otherwise specified by
- Size 22 Fr
for continuous bladder irrigations (CBI’s), unless otherwise specified by