Review of Positive and Negative Predictive Values

We know that the chance that a positive result is correct (positive predictive value) or the chance a negative result is correct (negative predictive value) will vary depending on the prevalence of the disease in a population.
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As prevalence of the disease increases, what will happen to the PPV? NPV?

PPV will increase

NPV will increase

PPV will increase

NPV will decrease

PPV will decrease

NPV will increase

PPV will decrease

NPV will decrease

IDevice Question Icon Multi-choice
As the prevalence of the disease decreases, what happens to the PPV? what happens to the NPV?

PPV increases,

NPV decreases

PPV increases

NPV increases

PPV decreases

NPV increases

PPV decreases

NPV decreases

The instability of the PPV and NPV makes it hard to know what to do with a positive or a negative result in a patient if we do not know the prevalence of disease.

This is where the likelihood ratio can help us interpret positive or negative test results.