Analysis and Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram
How to use this module
The 12 lead ECG
Waves and complexes
Intervals and segments
Normal values
Approach to the ECG
Step 1: Determine the heart rate
Step 2: Measure important intervals
Step 3a: Calculate the electrical axis
Step 3b: Calculate the electrical axis
Step 3c: Calculate the electrical axis
Step 4: Evaluate the cardiac rhythm
Step 5: Inspect P waves for atrial enlargement
Step 6: Inspect QRS complexes for ventricular hypertrophy or low voltage
Step 7a: Inspect QRS complexes for bundle branch block or fascicular block
Step 7b: Inspect QRS complexes for bundle branch block or fascicular block
Step 7c: Inspect QRS complexes for bundle branch block or fascicular block
Step 7d: Inspect QRS complexes for bundle branch block or fascicular block
Step 7e: Inspect QRS complexes for bundle branch block or fascicular block
Step 8: Assess Q waves and determine significance
Step 9: Assess ST segments and T waves
Step 10: Measure QT interval for specific diagnoses
ECG index
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Approach to the ECG
Developing a systematic approach to the interpretation of the ECG is a critical skill for all clinicians. The following outlines one such approach.
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